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S o c i a l  M e d i a

Why you need a social media marketing strategy.

Social media marketing (SMM) is the promotion of your website or business through new media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Slideshare, Squidoo, Scribd, and of course, Blogs. Promoting yourself through these channels can get you links, attention, and TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC.

When it comes to low-cost promotional techniques it's hard to beat SMM for getting you large numbers of visitors, many of whom return to your site again and again. One of our clients,, recently saw his statistics skyrocket to an average of 1,200 hits a day... simply by posting his material with a few popular blogs. The content was of interest and BANG, The guy had to have his bandwidth quota doubled to keep the site from crashing.

Full disclosure: We're not experts in social media marketing. Sure we give great Blog, and our Facebook posts are legendary, but Twitter, YouTube, et al? Not so much. That's why we've teaming up with some of the smartest Social Media Marketing minds we know to ensure we deliver you a package that will get your products and services noticed.

That package is being developed as you read this.

In the meantime, we'd be delighted to set up your blog, ghost write your content, and set up a Facebook fan page for you. Call us today at 250-740-0202 for more information!









Search Engine Optimization


Frustrated that your website is not showing up in search engines? We can help you get the results you want. read more>>

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